"There lies the gate that separates the paths of Night and Day, supported by a lintel and a stone threshold: it is itself filled with great doors, whose keys to open and close are held by Dike (Justice), who punishes greatly."
These are the words from the Proem of Parmenides’ famous poem On Nature. It is at this gate that the long journey of Western philosophical inquiry began—a journey that is not yet complete—where Parmenides stands as one of its most fascinating figures.
The map of this path is marked and guaranteed by Dike, the goddess of justice, who offers the opportunity to understand and define, to find laws and rules that bring order to the world and to human reason itself.
I love nature, and so Hope is a design inspired by nature.
Justice, therefore, is philosophy itself: the nomos that becomes logos, allowing us to overcome the treacherous doxa and to attain the good, the just, and happiness. Parmenides wrote this poem in the lands of his Elea, conveying his poetic-philosophical message to his fellow citizens.His evocative vision of truth is intertwined with justice—sometimes pure and relentless—but a guarantor of authenticity and revelation. It shields us, through difficult choices, from anything false and misleading. In a world increasingly exposed to manipulation and the instrumentalization of consent, we embark once again on Parmenides’ journey in search of authenticity, visiting his lands and sharing in his clear and prophetic insights. Together, let us cross that gate, accompanied by Philosophy and Justice. Come and experience an unforgettable journey in Velia!